How To Allow Users To Register On Your WordPress Website

How To Allow Users To Register On Your WordPress Website?

You may have read about adding a new user to WordPress, managing their roles. But have you ever thought how to allow users to register at your website? I mean if you don’t allow users to register at your website then how will they become your subscriber? In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to allow users to register on WordPress website?

WordPress provides you a default option to select if you want to allow everyone to register at your website. And if you want to let people know about registration permissions then you can show the registration links on your website.

Use WordPress Settings To Allow Users To Register:

For every instant, the bloggers need to use WordPress settings. As you know that if you want to add a plugin then you have to use WordPress, installing a theme requires WordPress options.

Here you will learn more about users and their role to be played on your website. When you allow any user to register at your website than it is your duty to handle his/her role. You have to manage the role.

Selection of users role is very important. It is done when people register at your website. It may be done for writing guest posts at your website or just to comment.

Most of the time, people don’t like to fill their details every time they comment on your website. So, they can register at your website and can comment just by logging into your website.

How to Allow Users To Register?

Now it’s time to show you the steps required to allow people to register.

Step 1:- Like always, the first thing is to login into your WordPress dashboard.

Step 2:- You will find many options in the left-hand-side menu bar. From which, you have to “Settings“. You will see many options. Many options will be shown to you about the settings of some plugins you have used at your website.

There are some plugins whose settings can be found here. WordPress does it automatically.

Step 3:- Apart from all other settings, you have to click at “general”. A new page will open for you.

Step 4:- Many options will be shown to you. Option showing your website title, tagline, site address and more. Below email address you will find a checkbox. If you check that box then you allow users to register at your website.

You can see the written line showing “Anyone can register“. Just check that box and you are done. But now the main thing is left. You have to select the users’ role. Whoever will register at your website he/she should be provided with a role at your website.

Most os the time people choose “subscriber” option. It is because a subscriber has the least power to interfere at your website. He/she can only manage his/her own profile and can comment at your website without filling their details again and again.

Step 5:- To set the default role of the user who subscribes at your website can be chosen from here only. Below the checkbox you can find options to choose. Just select “subscriber” from the top-down menu.

How To Show Registration Link?

It’s obvious that you have to show registration link on your website. Most of the bloggers prefer to show it in the footer section of their website. You can also add it to your website just by adding a widget box.

WordPress has it’s default “Meta” box to show login, registration, comment RSS, and more options. You can use that. And if you are using any theme which provides another widget box then you also use that. In Thesis you will find an extra widget to allow users to register at your website by showing registration link.

  • Just go to Appearance>>Widgets and then drop the “Meta” box into the footer of your website. You can write any title if you want to show or you can leave it blank. Save the box and you will see the result in the footer.

Final Words:

Are you going to allow users to register at your website? Are you going to provide them a specific role or just a subscriber? Depending on your choice, you can do it your own.

Just remember that selection of the users’ role is very important. You should choose it wisely. If you want to ask something then contact me.


by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Indeed your work shows your passion, that how much effort and hard work you have done for creating such an excellent and detailed post. Through which one can easily learn how to allow users to register on WordPress website.

    Thanks for constantly sharing quality content ?



    1. Hey Mairaj,

      It’s the matter of choice whether bloggers allow users to register at their blog or not? Some bloggers don’t like to add any extra user to their website. Though when you allow people to write the guest posts then you have to add new users.

      And what’s the loss in allowing people to register at your website. You are the power here. You can handle their role.

      Thanks a lot for your kind words.

      Hope you are having fun today.:)


  2. You’re very right Ravi,

    If you must allow users to register on your blog by themselves then, its very important for you to also define a role for them and its always advisable to first give them the subscribers role.

    If you make a mistake and fail to do this, you might end up exposing your site to so many dangers.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Theodore,

      Choosing the role for your users is needed. You should take every possible step to keep your website safe. If you allow others to be an administrator of your website then I don’t think you are going to handle it anymore.

      It is necessary to take your decision with the cool mind. I am sure you are not going to do that anyway.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Have an awesome week ahead.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    You are right with your point as some users might not like to allow users to register in their website.

    Its their matter of decision to allow users to register for their site. But you have clearly explained about the steps involved in making the user to register in our wordpress website

    1. Hi Priya,

      People take their own decisions. They may allow or may decline to register any user at their website. But when it comes to guest posting and more then you have to allow users to register at your website.

      In this tutorial, I have explained the way how to do that? But the role should be chosen wisely. Bloggers should know their trusted members.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  4. Hi Ravi

    Very well described and well defined tutorial to allow users to register on a wordpress website.

    It is very right that once a visitor on your blog should not be always a visitor and he must be converted into a subscriber.

    The easiest technique to do this conversion is the way you told in this post and for that one has neither to buy any plugin nor to formally build an email subscription list and just a few signin step can turn him from visitor to subscriber.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this very important tutorial

    Have a great rest of the week

    1. Hi Muba,

      Good to see you here after a long time.:)

      You may have noticed at many websites. Bloggers allow users to register on their website just to increase the part of the readers in the website. In most of the cases, people do it because they want some loyal readers.

      But the main thing is to control their role. Bloggers should know whom to give the role of a subscriber and administrator. They should choose it wisely.

      In WordPress, you can allow people to register on your website is very easy. Just one option and you are done.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a great week ahead.


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